Dead Witch Walking

Sayfa Sayısı
From New York Times bestselling author, Kim Harrison, comes the first book in her brilliant Hollows series; packed with the perfect balance of wry humour and thrilling action, which will delight fans of thrillers and fantasy alike. Rachel Morgan lives in Yazının devamı...
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From New York Times bestselling author, Kim Harrison, comes the first book in her brilliant Hollows series; packed with the perfect balance of wry humour and thrilling action, which will delight fans of thrillers and fantasy alike.
Rachel Morgan lives in a world where a bioengineered virus wiped out most of the world's human population exposing the existence of supernatural communities that had long lived alongside humanity. It's her job as a white witch working for Inderland Security to protect the humans from things that go bump in the night.
For the last five years Rachel has been tracking down lawbreaking Inderlanders in modern day Cincinnati, but now she wants to leave and start her own agency. Her only problem: no one quits the I.S.
Marked for death, Rachel will have to fend off fairy assassins and homicidal werewolves armed to the teeth with deadly curses.
(Tanıtım Bülteninden)

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